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 Anyone recognize this faucet?  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Anyone recognize this faucet?  Curly (CA)
 Re: Anyone recognize this faucet?  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Anyone recognize this faucet?  Curly (CA)
 That Was Easy  george 7941 (Canada)
 Tankless water heater with a holding tank.  Gary Huff (MD)
 Well pump control box chatters loudly  Gary Huff (MD)
 will this condensate drain back up?  mike0000 (IN)
 Re: will this condensate drain back up?  bsipps (PA)
 Re: will this condensate drain back up?  mike0000 (IN)
 Re: will this condensate drain back up?  bsipps (PA)
 "skinny" adjustable wrench  sum (FL)
 Re: "skinny" adjustable wrench  bsipps (PA)
 Re: "skinny" adjustable wrench  Curly (CA)
 Re: "skinny" adjustable wrench  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: "skinny" adjustable wrench  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: "skinny" adjustable wrench  DaveMill (CA)
 Outdoor water faucet attached to drip irrigation to be left on for...  higgincj (CO)
 Re: Outdoor water faucet attached to drip irrigation to be left on...  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Outdoor water faucet attached to drip irrigation to be left on...  higgincj (CO)
 Re: Outdoor water faucet attached to drip irrigation to be left on...  DaveMill (CA)
 Tub strainer replacement or "retrofit"?  sum (FL)
 Re: Tub strainer replacement or "retrofit"?  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Tub strainer replacement or "retrofit"?  Curly (CA)
 Re: Tub strainer replacement or "retrofit"?  sum (FL)
 Re: Tub strainer replacement or "retrofit"?  sum (FL)
 Attaching Portable Washing Machine to Bathroom Faucet  bej (MS)
 Re: Attaching Portable Washing Machine to Bathroom Faucet  Curly (CA)
 Re: Attaching Portable Washing Machine to Bathroom Faucet  george 7941 (Canada)
 Plastic boiler drain valve swap out  ericsandstone (TX)
 Re: Plastic boiler drain valve swap out  bsipps (PA)
 Draining Water Heaters  ericsandstone (TX)
 Re: Draining Water Heaters  bsipps (PA)
 Help with dual valve shower rough in!  jlggomez (NY)
 Re: Help with dual valve shower rough in!  steve (CA)
 Re: Help with dual valve shower rough in!  jlggomez (NY)
 can i use an air admittance valve on a septic pump vent  9kl (Non-US)
 Re: can i use an air admittance valve on a septic pump vent  bsipps (PA)
 Re: can i use an air admittance valve on a septic pump vent  Don411 (IN)
 Re: can i use an air admittance valve on a septic pump vent  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Expansion tank for WH necessary?  adkroot (NY)
 Re: Expansion tank for WH necessary?  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Expansion tank for WH necessary?  adkroot (NY)
 Re: Expansion tank for WH necessary?  Curly (CA)
 Re: Expansion tank for WH necessary?  adkroot (NY)
 Re: Expansion tank for WH necessary?  Curly (CA)
 Re: Expansion tank for WH necessary?  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Expansion tank for WH necessary?  Don411 (IN)
 Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  sum (FL)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  sum (FL)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  vic (CA)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  sum (FL)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  sum (FL)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  steve (CA)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Connecting Bosch DW drain hose to Insinkerator disposer  sum (FL)
 Best Sink Setup for an Artist Studio?  AdrianBlack (IL)
 Re: Best Sink Setup for an Artist Studio?  Curly (CA)
 Electric eel e 2 sewer camera need help put together  Petes plumbing (CA)
 Re: Electric eel e 2 sewer camera need help put together  Don411 (IN)
 Crane Shower Faucet dripping  Zhetoman (OK)
 Re: Crane Shower Faucet dripping  Curly (CA)
 Re: Crane Shower Faucet dripping  Zhetoman (OK)
 Re: Crane Shower Faucet dripping  hj (AZ)
 Pressure assist toilet  pmg (PA)
 Re: Pressure assist toilet  Curly (CA)
 Re: Pressure assist toilet  pmg (PA)
 Re: Pressure assist toilet  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: Pressure assist toilet  bsipps (PA)
 I appreciate all that I learned clap  pmg (PA)
 Deleted  bsipps (PA)
 Pressure assist toilet  sharp1 (IL)
 Pressure assist toilet  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Pressure assist toilet  pmg (PA)
 Peroxide. Only inject 3%?  Dissolving (CA)
 Whistling Sound Following by Loud Knocking  DBTUMD (MD)
 Re: Whistling Sound Following by Loud Knocking  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Whistling Sound Following by Loud Knocking  bsipps (PA)
 Water Valve Bosch Aquastar 1600  RonGR (MT)
 I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  cessnat37
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  Curly (CA)
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  cessnat37
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  cessnat37
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  cessnat37
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  cessnat37
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: I'll need to remove broken plastic drain valve when time comes  bsipps (PA)
 Removing broken plastic drain clap  cessnat37
 Hot water in shower  Greg valente (NY)
 Re: Hot water in shower  Curly (CA)
 Re: Hot water in shower  bsipps (PA)
 Pressure is Weak After Watermain Break Repair  Patch (VA)
 Re: Pressure is Weak After Watermain Break Repair  steve (CA)
 Re: Pressure is Weak After Watermain Break Repair  hj (AZ)
 Re: Pressure is Weak After Watermain Break Repair  Patch (VA)
 toilet drain elbow  TomTexas (TX)
 Re: toilet drain elbow  bsipps (PA)
 Major Plumbing Job  rjoconnor (IL)
 Re: Major Plumbing Job  Tom130 (IL)
 Moving toilet question  Lex (CA)
 Re: Moving toilet question  steve (CA)
 Re: Moving toilet question  Lex (CA)
 Re: Moving toilet question  steve (CA)
 Re: Moving toilet question  Lex (CA)
 What kind of shutoff valve is this?  BoscoBear2401 (VA)
 Re: What kind of shutoff valve is this?  hj (AZ)
 Re: What kind of shutoff valve is this?  steve (CA)
 Re: What kind of shutoff valve is this? clap  BoscoBear2401 (VA)
 tankless heater gas demands, condensate neutralizer  BrainDrained (TX)
 Integrated faucet hoses  sum (FL)
 Re: Integrated faucet hoses  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Integrated faucet hoses  steve (CA)
 Re: Integrated faucet hoses  DaveMill (CA)
 use a Cleanout (tee or double barrel) for a branch connection?  BrainDrained (TX)
 Re: use a Cleanout (tee or double barrel) for a branch connection?  bsipps (PA)
 Re: use a Cleanout (tee or double barrel) for a branch connection?  BrainDrained (TX)
 Re: use a Cleanout (tee or double barrel) for a branch connection?  sum (FL)
 Hot Water Heater Recirculating Pump Question  lgo838 (CA)
 Re: Hot Water Heater Recirculating Pump Question  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Hot Water Heater Recirculating Pump Question  lgo838 (CA)
 Re: Hot Water Heater Recirculating Pump Question  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Hot Water Heater Recirculating Pump Question  lgo838 (CA)
 Re: Hot Water Heater Recirculating Pump Question  mark3885 (NY)
 WC/shower rough options  SLOJim (CA)
 Lav drain assembly choices  sum (FL)
 Re: Lav drain assembly choices  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Lav drain assembly choices  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Lav drain assembly choices  Don411 (IN)
 Valley single handle shower valve  Ned (TX)
 Re: Valley single handle shower valve  bsipps (PA)
 repurposed plumbing hardware  sum (FL)
 Re: repurposed plumbing hardware  Don411 (IN)
 Sink drain tail piece  sum (FL)
 Re: Sink drain tail piece  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Sink drain tail piece  Don411 (IN)
 Hard water calcium clogs  ajhill64 (MO)
 Re: Hard water calcium clogs  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Hard water calcium clogs  ajhill64 (MO)
 Re: Hard water calcium clogs  ajhill64 (MO)
 Pressure Drop to Shower from Combi Boiler Cancelled  Peregrine (CO)
 Re: Pressure Drop to Shower from Combi Boiler  steve (CA)
 Re: Pressure Drop to Shower from Combi Boiler Cancelled  Peregrine (CO)
 Re: Pressure Drop to Shower from Combi Boiler Cancelled clap  Peregrine (CO)
 Dripping Tub and Shower  steve2120 (PA)
 Re: Dripping Tub and Shower  george 7941 (Canada)
 Kitchen island dishwasher space plumbing concerns: Kinked copper...  R351C (TX)
 Re: Kitchen island dishwasher space plumbing concerns: Kinked...  sum (FL)
 New Delta lav faucet underside mounting plate issue  sum (FL)
 Re: New Delta lav faucet underside mounting plate issue  steve (CA)
 Re: New Delta lav faucet underside mounting plate issue  sum (FL)
 Re: New Delta lav faucet underside mounting plate issue applause  steve (CA)
 Re: New Delta lav faucet underside mounting plate issue  sum (FL)
 Re: New Delta lav faucet underside mounting plate issue  bsipps (PA)
 Re: New Delta lav faucet underside mounting plate issue  george 7941 (Canada)
 Saniflo Pro  veggiegirl7630 (VA)
 Re: Saniflo Pro  bsipps (PA)
 Apartment building - no hot water beneath 9th floor sometimes  rizzo00 (NY)
 Re: Apartment building - no hot water beneath 9th floor sometimes  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Apartment building - no hot water beneath 9th floor sometimes  rizzo00 (NY)
 Re: Apartment building - no hot water beneath 9th floor sometimes  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Apartment building - no hot water beneath 9th floor sometimes  rizzo00 (NY)
 Re: Apartment building - no hot water beneath 9th floor sometimes  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Apartment building - no hot water beneath 9th floor sometimes  Tom130 (IL)
 Delta two handle faucet removal  sum (FL)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  steve (CA)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  sum (FL)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  steve (CA)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  sum (FL)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  sum (FL)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  sum (FL)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Delta two handle faucet removal  Curly (CA)
 Water under toilet?  Mr. K. (MN)
 Re: Water under toilet?  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Water under toilet?  Mr. K. (MN)
 Re: Water under toilet?  sharp1 (IL)
 Re: Water under toilet?  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Water under toilet? thumbs  Mr. K. (MN)
 Golf ball in sewer line, and rebar  Garrett72 (TX)
 Re: Golf ball in sewer line, and rebar  Curly (CA)
 Slow toilet flush and build up cause  adkroot (NY)
 Re: Slow toilet flush and build up cause  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Slow toilet flush and build up cause  Curly (CA)
 Re: Slow toilet flush and build up cause  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Slow toilet flush and build up cause clap  adkroot (NY)
 Re: Slow toilet flush and build up cause  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Kohler Cimmeron one piece continues to leak  hjc (LA)
 Re: Kohler Cimmeron one piece continues to leak  hj (AZ)
 Horizontal drain run diversion to pickup vertical vent  conner172 (MN)
 Re: Horizontal drain run diversion to pickup vertical vent  steve (CA)
 Re: Horizontal drain run diversion to pickup vertical vent  conner172 (MN)
 Re: Horizontal drain run diversion to pickup vertical vent  conner172 (MN)
 Re: Horizontal drain run diversion to pickup vertical vent  steve (CA)
 Re: Horizontal drain run diversion to pickup vertical vent clap  conner172 (MN)
 Dripping faucet (purposely) but shuts off  new2plum (NY)
 Re: Dripping faucet (purposely) but shuts off  Curly (CA)
 Re: Dripping faucet (purposely) but shuts off clap  new2plum (NY)
 challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  sum (FL)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  steve (CA)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  Curly (CA)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  sum (FL)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  vic (CA)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  sum (FL)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: challenge in connecting a dryer vent inside a tight closet  sum (FL)
 Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  Chattrat (TN)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  Chattrat (TN)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  Chattrat (TN)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  Chattrat (TN)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  Chattrat (TN)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon DONE clap  Chattrat (TN)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon DONE clap  Chattrat (TN)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Under sink water heater 2.5 gallon  Chattrat (TN)
 Sink, toilet, bathtub=leaking bathroom toilet  JC18SD (CA)
 Re: Sink, toilet, bathtub=leaking bathroom toilet  steve (CA)
 Re: Sink, toilet, bathtub=leaking bathroom toilet  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: Sink, toilet, bathtub=leaking bathroom toilet  drainstrain (NM)
 Vent pipe leak  NTB (CA)
 Re: Vent pipe leak  steve (CA)
 How to regulate hot water older Moen "standard" Shower valve.  EricE (NJ)
 Re: How to regulate hot water older Moen "standard" Shower valve.  Curly (CA)
 Re: How to regulate hot water older Moen "standard" Shower valve.  steve (CA)
 Elevated Copper in Water  lotsaquestions (NY)
 Re: Elevated Copper in Water  vic (CA)
 Re: Elevated Copper in Water  adkroot (NY)
 Shower drain cover  sum (FL)
 Re: Shower drain cover  steve (CA)
 Re: Shower drain cover  sum (FL)
 Re: Shower drain cover  george 7941 (Canada)
 We changed our circulator.  AC4564 (NJ)
 Re: We changed our circulator.  DaveMill (CA)
 Slow leak at Viega manabloc port  adkroot (NY)
 Re: Slow leak at Viega manabloc port  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Slow leak at Viega manabloc port  Curly (CA)
 Re: Slow leak at Viega manabloc port  sum (FL)
 Re: Slow leak at Viega manabloc port  adkroot (NY)
 Pipe Nipple Remover (sharp!)  schwansa67 (WI)
 Re: Pipe Nipple Remover (sharp!)  Curly (CA)
 Can I rewire water heater to use only bottom tstat & element?  czs (FL)
 Re: Can I rewire water heater to use only bottom tstat & element?  bsipps (PA)
 Delta tub spout whistling  sum (FL)
 Re: Delta tub spout whistling  sum (FL)
 Re: Delta tub spout whistling  Curly (CA)
 Re: Delta tub spout whistling  sum (FL)
 Backflow preventer valve for Steam generator  Mark1955 (FL)
 Re: Backflow preventer valve for Steam generator  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Backflow preventer valve for Steam generator  Curly (CA)
 Are Pex bends a good idea.  RR60 (VA)
 Re: Are Pex bends a good idea.  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Are Pex bends a good idea.  sum (FL)
 Re: Are Pex bends a good idea.  Curly (CA)
 Re: Are Pex bends a good idea. clap  RR60 (VA)
 venting - reducing size?  old plumber (NJ)
 Re: venting - reducing size?  Curly (CA)
 Re: venting - reducing size?  hj (AZ)
 Re: venting - reducing size?  bsipps (PA)
 DELTA finish colors  sum (FL)
 Coupling for joining cast iron to plastic DWV underground  Lex (CA)
 Re: Coupling for joining cast iron to plastic DWV underground  sum (FL)
 Re: Coupling for joining cast iron to plastic DWV underground  Lex (CA)
 Re: Coupling for joining cast iron to plastic DWV underground  sum (FL)
 Thank you clap  Lex (CA)
 Re: Coupling for joining cast iron to plastic DWV underground  bsipps (PA)
 Delta shower trim kit- can it replace a Moen kit?  CJW (GA)
 Re: Delta shower trim kit- can it replace a Moen kit?  hj (AZ)
 input water to gas fired boiler  vsr (NY)
 Re: input water to gas fired boiler  bsipps (PA)
 Re: input water to gas fired boiler  george 7941 (Canada)
 1991 Faucet Cartridge Mystery  BonDia (CT)
 Re: 1991 Faucet Cartridge Mystery  steve (CA)
 Mystery Leak  CameronAtKestrel (CA)
 Re: Mystery Leak  steve (CA)
 Re: Mystery Leak  bsipps (PA)
 Re: Mystery Leak  sum (FL)
 Septic smell  Mickel
 Re: Septic smell  DaveMill (CA)
 Zoeller sump pump float not tripping switch  jf1 (ID)
 Re: Zoeller sump pump float not tripping switch  steve (CA)
 Re: Zoeller sump pump float not tripping switch  hj (AZ)
 Re: Zoeller sump pump float not tripping switch  DaveMill (CA)
 low water pressure - maybe faulty gauge  BriZ (PA)
 Re: low water pressure - maybe faulty gauge  steve (CA)
 Re: low water pressure - maybe faulty gauge  BriZ (PA)
 Re: low water pressure - maybe faulty gauge  steve (CA)
 Rinnai Sensei RX119iN Vibrations + Error Code 12  amorthyst (CA)
 Re: Rinnai Sensei RX119iN Vibrations + Error Code 12  steve (CA)
 Re: Rinnai Sensei RX119iN Vibrations + Error Code 12  amorthyst (CA)
 Re: Rinnai Sensei RX119iN Vibrations + Error Code 12  steve (CA)
 depth of a threaded connection  sum (FL)
 Re: depth of a threaded connection  Curly (CA)
 Pex A pipe now with Pex B fittings  RR60 (VA)
 Re: Pex A pipe now with Pex B fittings  sum (FL)
 Thanks, very helpful clap  RR60 (VA)
 Re: Pex A pipe now with Pex B fittings  sum (FL)
 Help with Adjusting Dryer Vent for New Whirlpool Electric Dryer...  marcelaverschoor (IL)
 Re: Help with Adjusting Dryer Vent for New Whirlpool Electric Dryer...  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: Help with Adjusting Dryer Vent for New Whirlpool Electric Dryer...  steve (CA)
 How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  sum (FL)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  Curly (CA)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  sum (FL)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  sum (FL)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  Curly (CA)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  sum (FL)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  steve (CA)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  sum (FL)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: How to extract an item that fell into the washing machine trap  george 7941 (Canada)
 Long bath tub surround. Help!  Candygram for Mongo (WV)
 Re: Long bath tub surround. Help!  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: Long bath tub surround. Help!  steve (CA)
 Re: Long bath tub surround. Help!  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Tub spout removal (DELTA may be)  sum (FL)
 Re: Tub spout removal (DELTA may be)  Curly (CA)
 Re: Tub spout removal (DELTA may be)  sum (FL)
 mini widespread lav faucet  sum (FL)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  Curly (CA)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  hj (AZ)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  Curly (CA)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  hj (AZ)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  sum (FL)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  Curly (CA)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  sum (FL)
 Re: mini widespread lav faucet  Curly (CA)
 Oakland single lever faucet hammer noise  new2plum (NY)
 Re: Oakland single lever faucet hammer noise  new2plum (NY)
 move washer drain pipe that runs to under basmt utility sink  Dave C (MI)
 Re: move washer drain pipe that runs to under basmt utility sink  steve (CA)
 Re: move washer drain pipe that runs to under basmt utility sink  Dave C (MI)
 Re: move washer drain pipe that runs to under basmt utility sink  steve (CA)
 Thank you clap  Dave C (MI)
 Shower wall outlet connection nipple  sum (FL)
 Re: Shower wall outlet connection nipple  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Shower wall outlet connection nipple  sum (FL)
 Re: Shower wall outlet connection nipple  george 7941 (Canada)
 Odd change of water temp and pressure  Vince1961 (FL)
 Re: Odd change of water temp and pressure  sharp1 (IL)
 Re: Odd change of water temp and pressure  Vince1961 (FL)
 Re: Odd change of water temp and pressure  DaveMill (CA)
 accidentally cut a slot in CPVC pipe  sum (FL)
 Re: accidentally cut a slot in CPVC pipe  Don411 (IN)
 Re: accidentally cut a slot in CPVC pipe  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: accidentally cut a slot in CPVC pipe  sum (FL)
 Re: accidentally cut a slot in CPVC pipe  sum (FL)
 Re: accidentally cut a slot in CPVC pipe  vic (CA)
 Extrol Expansion Tank on top of Oil Burner  Lee (NJ)
 Re: Extrol Expansion Tank on top of Oil Burner  Tom130 (IL)
 Re: Extrol Expansion Tank on top of Oil Burner  Lee (NJ)
 Re: Extrol Expansion Tank on top of Oil Burner  Lee (NJ)
 Re: Extrol Expansion Tank on top of Oil Burner  Tom130 (IL)
 Re: Extrol Expansion Tank on top of Oil Burner  Lee (NJ)
 heat pumps upstairs - but unheated basement downstairs  stevesg (MA)
 Re: heat pumps upstairs - but unheated basement downstairs  george 7941 (Canada)
 Can This Cast Iron Flapper Valve Be Saved?  Sterling (Non-US)
 Re: Can This Cast Iron Flapper Valve Be Saved?  Sterling (Non-US)
 Overly Ambitious Homeowner Needs Your Advice!  Luxe Interior (OH)
 Re: Overly Ambitious Homeowner Needs Your Advice!  steve (CA)
 Re: Overly Ambitious Homeowner Needs Your Advice!  steve (CA)
 Re: Overly Ambitious Homeowner Needs Your Advice!  sum (FL)
 Do I need a water pressure regulator valve?  Pgh1950SouthHillsRanch (PA)
 Re: Do I need a water pressure regulator valve?  packy (MA)
 Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  Curly (CA)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  Curly (CA)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  Curly (CA)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  steve (CA)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Oatey washing machine valve box valve slow leak  sum (FL)
 3/4" MIP Shower Faucet Connection  schristiansen88 (TX)
 edited - Re: 3/4" MIP Shower Faucet Connection  steve (CA)
 Unable to remove shower control faceplate to access valve  Randy V (CA)
 Re: Unable to remove shower control faceplate to access valve  steve (CA)
 Tap Connected wrong?  danmcco (Canada)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  Curly (CA)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  danmcco (Canada)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  packy (MA)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  Curly (CA)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  packy (MA)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  danmcco (Canada)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  packy (MA)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  steve (CA)
 Re: Tap Connected wrong?  bsipps (PA)
 Thanks. You guys are great! applause  danmcco (Canada)
 Tricks for removing 2" cast iron & lead fitting  ericsarratt (NC)
 Re: Tricks for removing 2" cast iron & lead fitting  bsipps (PA)
 gas meter 1/4 lb dial  xrmx (IL)
 Re: gas meter 1/4 lb dial  Tom130 (IL)
 Re: gas meter 1/4 lb dial  packy (MA)
 Kitchen Sink Pipe P Trap Connection Leak  Nibroc101 (MA)
 Re: Kitchen Sink Pipe P Trap Connection Leak  steve (CA)
 Re: Kitchen Sink Pipe P Trap Connection Leak  Nibroc101 (MA)
 Re: Kitchen Sink Pipe P Trap Connection Leak  steve (CA)
 NOISE COPPER lines hot water turned on - Air or expansion ?  new2plum (NY)
 Re: NOISE COPPER lines hot water turned on - Air or expansion ?  sum (FL)
 Re: NOISE COPPER lines hot water turned on - Air or expansion ?  new2plum (NY)
 Re: NOISE COPPER lines hot water turned on - Air or expansion ?  packy (MA)
 Re: NOISE COPPER lines hot water turned on - Air or expansion ?  Don411 (IN)
 Re: NOISE COPPER lines hot water turned on - Air or expansion ?  new2plum (NY)
 New On Demand Water Heater For Infloor Heat In Barn Water Line...  Brad Cockerill (MI)
 Re: New On Demand Water Heater For Infloor Heat In Barn Water Line...  DaveMill (CA)
 American Standard Faucet  Jls667 (NY)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  packy (MA)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  Jls667 (NY)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  packy (MA)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  Jls667 (NY)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  packy (MA)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  Jls667 (NY)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  steve (CA)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  Jls667 (NY)
 Re: American Standard Faucet clap  Jls667 (NY)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  vic (CA)
 Re: American Standard Faucet  Jls667 (NY)
 Please don't Freeze!  new2plum (NY)
 Re: preventing pipe freezing  steve (CA)
 Re: preventing pipe freezing  new2plum (NY)
 Re: preventing pipe freezing  packy (MA)
 Re: Please don't Freeze!  bsipps (PA)
 Pen in Toilet removed with wet vac  jwhite8001 (MN)
 Re: Pen in Toilet removed with wet vac  steve (CA)
 Delta faucet problem  anewcomb (MO)
 Re: Delta faucet problem  steve (CA)
 Re: Delta faucet problem  anewcomb (MO)
 Re: Delta faucet problem  steve (CA)
 Re: Delta faucet problem clap  anewcomb (MO)
 Re: Delta faucet problem  packy (MA)
 Kitchen faucet replacement affects fridge water line?  BlebNevus (NY)
 Re: Kitchen faucet replacement affects fridge water line?  steve (CA)
 Re: Kitchen faucet replacement affects fridge water line?  BlebNevus (NY)
 Re: Kitchen faucet replacement affects fridge water line?  steve (CA)
 Thanks clap  BlebNevus (NY)
 Re: Kitchen faucet replacement affects fridge water line?  Don411 (IN)
 Burnham oil boiler keeps running  Snickers (MA)
 Re: Burnham oil boiler keeps running  Tom130 (IL)
 Re: Burnham oil boiler keeps running  Snickers (MA)
 Re: Burnham oil boiler keeps running  Tom130 (IL)
 Re: Burnham oil boiler keeps running clap  Snickers (MA)
 Cast Iron drainpipe is deteriorating slowly but surely  frak (PA)
 Re: Cast Iron drainpipe is deteriorating slowly but surely  packy (MA)
 Re: Cast Iron drainpipe is deteriorating slowly but surely  frak (PA)
 Re: Cast Iron drainpipe is deteriorating slowly but surely  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Cast Iron drainpipe is deteriorating slowly but surely  packy (MA)
 Is this plastic ok.  kwp (GA)
 Re: Is this plastic ok  packy (MA)
 Re: Is this plastic ok clap  kwp (GA)
 Re: Is this plastic ok  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Is this plastic ok  kwp (GA)
 Re: Is this plastic ok  packy (MA)
 Re: Is this plastic ok  steve (CA)
 Re: Is this plastic ok  kwp (GA)
 concrete - black iron gas pipe  cocoloco (IL)
 Re: concrete - black iron gas pipe  packy (MA)
 Re: concrete - black iron gas pipe  cocoloco (IL)
 Re: concrete - black iron gas pipe  packy (MA)
 Re-setting pressure gauge at the regulator.  BJGeraci44 (CA)
 Re: Re-setting pressure gauge at the regulator.  steve (CA)
 No water to condo  msverbatim1 (IN)
 Re: No water to condo  packy (MA)
 Re: No water to condo  msverbatim1 (IN)
 Re: No water to condo  steve (CA)
 Re: No water to condo  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: No water to condo  steve (CA)
 Re: No water to condo  msverbatim1 (IN)
 Re: No water to condo  msverbatim1 (IN)
 Condensate pump drain for furnace  Jean9fixit (NY)
 Re: Condensate pump drain for furnace  packy (MA)
 Re: Condensate pump drain for furnace  Jean9fixit (NY)
 Re: Condensate pump drain for furnace  packy (MA)
 Soldering Gurus  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  vic (CA)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  vic (CA)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  hj (AZ)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  Jean9fixit (NY)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  Don411 (IN)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  hj (AZ)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  sum (FL)
 Re: Soldering Gurus  Jean9fixit (NY)
 ptrap leak-PVC  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  steve (CA)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  packy (MA)
 You guys are awesome. clap  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  packy (MA)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  steve (CA)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  sum (FL)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  Curly (CA)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  sum (FL)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  steve (CA)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  packy (MA)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  analogmusicman (CO)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  george 7941 (Canada)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  hi (TX)
 Re: ptrap leak-PVC  sum (FL)
 Basement Laundry rough-in help  NubeDIYplumb (NC)
 Re: Basement Laundry rough-in help  packy (MA)
 Thanks for the information clap  NubeDIYplumb (NC)
 Re: Basement Laundry rough-in help  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: Basement Laundry rough-in help  george 7941 (Canada)
 Does the exit connection of a tubular p-trap count?  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: Does the exit connection of a tubular p-trap count?  steve (CA)
 Re: Does the exit connection of a tubular p-trap count?  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 Re: Does the exit connection of a tubular p-trap count?  steve (CA)
 Re: Does the exit connection of a tubular p-trap count? clap  ArthurPeabody (NM)
 re-pipe Los Angeles Townhome  slykat12 (CA)
 Re: re-pipe Los Angeles Townhome  packy (MA)
 Re: re-pipe Los Angeles Townhome  DaveMill (CA)
 Re: re-pipe Los Angeles Townhome  slykat12 (CA)
 Los Angeles permit fee calculator  DaveMill (CA)
 Shower faucet selection  adkroot (NY)
 Re: Shower faucet selection  packy (MA)
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