Please Help Charities
People Around the World Need Our Help
The March 2012 earthquake in Japan was a magnitude 9.0 - the most powerful known earthquake ever to have hit Japan. It triggered forceful tsunami waves that traveled up to 6 miles inland, and the quake and tsunami combined caused almost 16,000 deaths, 27,000 injured, and over 3,000 people believed missing. It also damaged over 1 million structures, ranging from partially damaged to completely destroyed. To date, this earthquake has become the most expensive natural disaster in world history.
In May 2008, a very large disaster hit Myanmar (aka: Burma) - the largest natural disaster to hit the country to date. Cyclone Nargis killed over 30,000 people and affected and displaced millions of people.
At the end of August 2005, the biggest natural disaster to hit the U.S. was hurricane Katrina. Over 100,000 people had to evacuate their homes and Katrina has affected so many people.
The biggest natural disaster in modern history was the Indian Ocean Tsunami that occurred December 26, 2004. The death toll estimate has topped 300,000 and has affected tens of millions of people.

Americans are well known for their generosity.
We ask that you give what you can to help with the relief and recovery efforts being done by our heroes.
Our heroes are the hard working relief workers that give so freely of their lives and time to those less fortunate than themselves.
If you feel that you have benefited from the free advice given by so many wonderful plumbing professionals here at then we hope that you will reciprocate in helping this world be a better place, by sending some moneys to your favorite charities.
Donation Suggestions:
Red Cross
PO Box 37243
Washington, DC 20013
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
PO Box 372
CH-1211 Geneva 19
Doctors Without Borders
PO Box 2247
New York, NY 10116-2247
US Fund for UNICEF
333 East 38th Street
New York, NY 10016
Plumbers Without Borders
PO Box 16082
Seattle, WA 98116
88 Hamilton Ave.
Stamford, CT 06902
We wish to thank, our main sponsor, for their immediate response to the Tsunami, by donating $5,000. on December 30, 2004 to the International Red Cross.
In January 2005 they sent an additional $2,000 to each of the following: AmeriCares, Red Cross as well as the US Fund for UNICEF. In April 2005 they sent an additional $2,000. to the International Red Cross as well as in May 2005 they again sent an additional $2,000. to the International Red Cross.
Then in an immediate response to Hurricane Katrina, on August 30th and again on September 6th 2005 they sent $1,000. to the Red Cross.
December 8th, 2005 sent an additional $5,000. to the International Red Cross and again on Dec. 30th, 2005 they sent an additional $2,000.
In 2006 sent a total of $29,000.
In 2007 sent over $54,000. to help others less fortunate.
In 2010 sent $20,000. to help in Haiti.
We hope that you'll join them and us in sending what you can.